Welcome to America's Battle of the Books
America's Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for students in 3rd thru 12th grades. Students read books and come together, usually in groups, to demonstrate their abilities and to test their knowledge of the books they have read. The student competitions are usually similar to the TV series Family Feud or Whiz Kids styles of competitions. However, the structure, format, and rules of the competitions may vary depending on the educational goals, student needs, local resources, and personal preferences at various school sites, school districts, county libraries, or offices of education.
America's Battle of the Books (ABB) offers resources to students, parents, schools (public or private), librarians, home schools, and international schools.
Our resources include:
- Questions to our books lists (membership required)
- A Starter Kit for Battle of the Books participants
Forms, logos, and video on how to get started in our thumb drive 'Starter Kit'
- The 'how to' in operating 'a battle' in your area or at your school site
- Listing of possible sponsors and resources
- Contacts to support and increase your success at your battles
- ABB Membership
- Free technical support and information
- Various types and grade-level booklists (see Selection of Titles)
We are a 'membership organization' and to order questions each school or organization must become a member. All our questions are free with memberships. If you would like to sponsor or help organize a state-wide competition in your particular state, please contact us. America's Battle of the Books is operated by a volunteer staff of educators and librarians; and our logo, questions, program, and competition format are copyrighted. No individual or entity (other than our current members) may use any of our materials or duplicated our materials without our written permission.
The inexpensive membership fee (between $50.00 and $60.00 for a set of questions) for whatever book list you are requesting is designed for many types of groups, schools, or libraries (small or large); there is no charge for questions for any of our booklists or a charge for the number of students participating. All of our resources are free, except for the ‘Starter Kit’—a donation is requested. ABB offers three levels of questions: local/site, district/county, and area/state competitions (there is a slightly greater cost of membership for district or state questions, and permission from ABB is required before ordering these rounds of questions). Members are not required to compete in any county or state competitions. Please click-on ABB Memberships (Order Form) to find more details on how to order and what is available to our members.
If you have any questions or would like more information please browse our website, email us at awentland@battleofthebooks.org, or contact us by phone at 661.248.1009 PST.
Sincerely—the staff at America's Battle of the Books