This is a suggested timeline only, it will vary from school to school and in each area of the country.
May - April
Official Book Lists appear on our website.
September - June
Send in yearly membership form and fee to ABB. (Reading and promotion of your local Battle may begin even begin during the summer months.)
November - June
Time to prepare for your competitions. (Your yearly membership fee must be paid before receiving questions or materials.
Questions/rounds for their battles are mailed to all schools or organizations that have paid their membership fee.
March - April
All local Battles should be over by the end of March. Names of team members must be sent to school coordinators for attendance at the county or regional battle, if one has been organized in your area.
April - June
Regional, County, and Statewide Battle of the Books are to be held. These competitions are organized by individuals/organizations in each respective area with the permission of ABB.